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EFT, Clarity Coach, Programmes

My Services

Let's start with EFT

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What is EFT?

Affectionately known as Psychological acupuncture, Emotional Freedom Techniques, (EFT) is also known as Tapping.  EFT is an evidence based mind & body (psychosomatic) that involves tapping lightly with the finger tips on known acupressure points.  This process calms the nervous system, and explains its effectiveness on a wide range of physical and thought based issues.

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How does EFT work?

EFT combines talking about the problem or issue you are addressing while tapping on the clinical acupressure points, that calm the fear and memory centres of the brain.  New calmer associations occur to the old triggering aspects of memories and patterns.

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What is Psychosomatic?

Psycho refers to the cognitive or thinking part of the process (as in traditional talk therapy) and somatic refers to the physical body. 
EFT recognises both the cognitive and somatic components of problems.

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How quickly can I see results from EFT?

EFT has been shown to work faster than cognitive behavioural therapy in the clinical research trials. EFT has also been shown to have lasting results.

Each client issue is different and therefore the number of sessions required will vary.

Let's talk and see what is right for you.

Clairty Coaching

Clarity coaching is a process of getting clear on the outcome that you desire.
Using vivid imagination and emotionally charging the vision, the subconscious is imprinted with your desire.  
Pair this with Identification of resistance (the little voice) that may not be obvious until we put focus on it.  Doubt often in the form of limiting and Core Beliefs can then  be pulled apart and dismantled, using EFT.  

What to expect

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Core Values

Uncover what is most important to YOU on a deep level. Core Values are and always have been, YOUR personal motivational drivers. They are what gets you out of bed with determination, conviction & drive, even on the hardest days.

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Direction & Purpose

Lets get Vivid Clarity on what you would ACTUALLY  like to do with the rest of Your life. YOUR Life. You have a clean canvas on which to create. Time to open the mind & soul  to explore all possibilities You Dare to Imagine!!

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Limiting Beliefs

And while we are at it, its time to identify & release those limiting beliefs/programmes, the inner chat, the little voice of doubt that's getting in the way of being The Go-Getter the true YOU, knows You are.

Workplace Programmes

Enhancing Performance

Vivid vision – customised to suit your business needs

  1. Working on common or individual performance goals

  2. Setting audacious goals for individual or team

  3. Enhancing successful outcomes for yourself or others around you

  4. Identifying and dismantling limiting beliefs, doubts/resistance. These may be team limiting beliefs, or universal core beliefs.

  5. Doubts/resistance based on past performance or story about your business success

Workplace Wellbeing

Simple, Fast, Effective, Calming techniques for both personal and work use

Sharing evidence based techniques to enhance mental, physical and emotional wellbeing for your team and wider relationships. When we change how we see the world, the world around us changes.

Looking after the wellbeing of your people in a safe, effective and self-empowering way benefits them directly, the wider community and your business. “No man is an island”.

Custom made workshops designed specifically for your needs, and group size. 

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  • What is EFT

  • How does it work

  • How to do it for yourself

  • Relevance for yourself 

  • Relevance for your team

  • Enhancing performance


Tap and breathe – technique for calming overwhelming states

Tap and talk – helping clear brain fog to reveal the solution

Tap and rant – technique to vent & release (safe effective)

Group tapping – working on a common issue to get clarity or release an upset

Motivational Speaker

EFT is too important not to share to every person on the planet as an evidence based self-administered calming technique.
It has a variety of applications ranging from anxiety related situations eg, exam stress, to physical symptoms such as acute and chronic pain, through to dismantling limiting and core beliefs/ patterned thinking.  Let’s not forget, enhancing performance and outcomes by managing state, resistance free.

If you are a business where your people and their well being is important, you may be interested in arming them with this fast, effective, portable tool that they can use for themselves for self-care around anything stress related.

There are a range of techniques that are simple and easy to use, that can be tailored specifically to the needs of your team.
A happy, collaborative workplace with harmonious communication is a pleasure to do business with and a pleasure to be a part of.
Talk to me today, to enquire how we can work together to achieve the outcomes you have in mind for your people.

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