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Work with me

Ready for your journey?

The time is now to live a fulfilling & quality life.
It's no accident you find yourself here.
Your inner wisdom is already guiding you.
With commitment to get unstuck, you can move towards Clarity, Inner Peace and Freedom 

I would love to hear what your needs are and the outcome you seek.

Coaching with me is all about YOU. 

clarity dewdrop on leaf
freedom woman standing on hill
ocean ripples

I invite you to book your complimentary 30 min Free Chat.


This is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and for you to share your needs and expectations.  This is a no obligation introduction to establishing how we might work together towards your outcome.  


Coaching & EFT

Mental & Emotional Freedom


6 sessions x 1.5hr

  • Minimum package for new client​

  • Use gentle techniques with an experienced EFT practitioner to get to the root of your issue

  • Learn how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques for yourself in everyday life

  • For physical and emotional pain & anything stress related

  • Experience relief in both the short term and long term.

  • Turn a life of Chaos into Calm

Most Popular

From Stuck to Thriving


9 sessions x 1.5hr

  • Clarify WHAT you want to achieve in the next stage of life

  • Discover your unique motivational drivers, your unique WHY’s. (Core Values)

  • Uncovering your skills, abilities and preferences to focus these on your WHAT

  • Understand & learn how to manage your internal state to respond appropriately to life situations. You will in turn understand other’s better

  • Learn new techniques to remove and release limiting beliefs and barriers to success

  • Go forward with confidence knowing WHAT you want and WHY

  • Receive support and accountability during the facilitation of your progress

What's My Unique WHY


2 sessions x 2hrs

  • Discover your unique motivational drivers

  • Understand what causes reactions rather than responses in relationships & life situations 

  • Understand how you personally make decisions, from a very deep place 

  • Clarify why you do what you do in life, and what your important WHY's are.

  • Your head will understand your heart.

  • Conscious awareness of your core values will become the compass that guides your life

New Client Deep Dive


9 sessions x 1.5hrs

  • Use gentle techniques with an experienced EFT practitioner to get to the root of your issue

  • Learn how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques for yourself in everyday life for physical and emotional pain & anything stress related

  • Understand how events, patterns and beliefs from the past are carried through time

  • Understand the role thinking plays in physical and emotional sensations in the body

  • Experience relief in both the short term and long term

  • Turn a life of Chaos into Calm

Book a Free Consultation
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